Tuesday, February 22, 2005

An engineer dies and goes to the Pearly Gates. Saint Peter checks his list and says, "Whoops, sorry, you are in the wrong palce,". So the engineer goes to hell and is let in. Pretty soon, though, he gets bored and starts redesigning and so on. After they get air conditioning and escalators and flush toilets, he gets to be a pretty popular guy.

So Satan and God are talking one day. Satan says, "Hey, it's going great down here. We have air conditioning and escalators and flush toilets, no telling what this new guy is going to come up with next,". So God says, "What, what are you doing with an engineer. It must be a mistake, send him up here,".

"Nothin' doin,'" says Satan, "I like having an engineer on staff, I am keeping him,:.

God says, "Send him up here or I'll sue,".

Satan starts laughing and says, "Yeah, right. Where are YOU going to get a lawyer?".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hear, hear...ROFL
