Friday, February 24, 2006

And the winner is.........-m-

Daan, who was voted "best costume in the primary grades" for his devastating appearance as Batman.

Douwe of course had a lovely time, because his pal Ryan showed up also dressed as Superman as was (evidently) planned. He now claims tht the reason he had cold feet this morning was that he thought Ryan would show up in regular clothes leaving Douwe feeling foolish. They were by report of their father both terrified by the appearance of Princess Carnaval and her retinue and her dancing girls and her marching band and so on. Douwe's picture is in fact on the front page of the Montessori school webpage right now, laughing his butt off. So is Daan's, though he is hard to recognize (that being the purpose of a batman mask).

Anyone who wants to see them and I haven't already sent it to, send me an email and I'll send you the link. I am not sure about the propriety of sending the entire internet to the website of the montessori school and I doubt they would thank me for it, lol.

Pictures to follow: I had to use a disposable camera I am afraid, so it'll be about a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

of course I want to see the pictures. And now you can tell us about the city's parade and how the boys enjoyed that.

By the way, did I tell you that I got Daan's snowsuit for next year. Pants, Jacket and all. I put it up in the attic with a couple of things I got for Douwe so when you come in July, don't let me froget to give these things to you.