Thursday, August 25, 2005


I found myself in a perfume store today unable to decide between Cool Water and Echo.

Help, I think I'm going down for the third time. Somebody call Gloria Steinem on the emergency phone.

I want you all to know that I think all of this is purely opressive and intended to distract women en masse from important matters by causing them to think that it matters whether they buy Cool Water or Echo.

Or that by doing so they are making some kind of statement about their person- hood.

Or that by doing so they will be magically altered from thir real boring selves to some kind of delicious and exotic creature.

Fuck that, I am already a delicious and exotic creature and do not require the house of Davidoff to be it.

So whadda ya think, Cool Water or Echo?

Splash. Splash.


Marjan said...

Try 'Angel'. I think it will suit you just fine ;-)


Anonymous said...

What is with the recreation?

I have not smelled either one so I am no help to you.

I think you have too much time on your hands (tee hee)