Thursday, August 25, 2005

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

I went to the eye doctor today. It appears that my vision has, for the first time in my life that I can recall, improved.

Or that my contacts have been too strong for about a year, hard to tell.

I went because I was having trouble seeing small print near my eyes. To be specific, I couldn't read the card in Trivial Pursuit without holding it at arm's length. I thought it was time to be nearsighted and farsighted at the same time which meant reading glasses or bifocals. Many eye doctors have promised that this is in my future. *

After much testing and being sent from one person to another, it appears that my prescription of -7.5 was too strong. I wear a -6.75 apparently.

The doc (whom I ended up with after apparently puzzling several opticians and their automated instruments) He asked me if it was usually in the evening, and I agreed that it was always in the evening. He says that's because my poor little eyes have been working very hard all day to focus and in the evening they are just slap worn out. Or some such a thing. I can indeed read tiny print close up, he gave me a card to be sure.

He gave me a pair of the new ones to try for a couple of weeks to see how they work in different light and so on and sent me on my way.

If I live long enough do you think I'll get to 20/20?

*Of course many eye doctors have also promised that I would be entirely blind in short order, so what the hell do they know?

1 comment: said...

My contacts were -7.5 for the longest time. Then, as I began wearing the new extended wear contacts, my vision began improving. The doc speculated that it was a combination of eye naturally changing shape as one gets older (elongating?) and that the new lenses allowed more air through to my eyes. (I take them out every night; I never sleep with them in.) I've been down to a -5.5 for a few years and holding steady.