Sunday, March 27, 2005

Ignore this entry, too

Hi, mom,

This is the bread, it came out pretty nicely. Damn, that stuff browns up really brown, does it not? I thought I had scorched it but it was fine.

I also made 2 loaves of the round kind with the egg in it, but here's a tip: do not bake your bread on the bottom part of a cake pan, it doesn't get hot enough and the bottom ends up not done when the top is done. Then you have to turn the loaf over and bake the bottom, which does nothing for the appearance of your loaf.*

It eats just fine, though. And if no one has ever seen the proud heights which a round loaf of pao doce is supposed to reach they don't know any better and eat it anyway.

*I will pinch the head off the first person who posts a joke involving the phrase half-baked.

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