Saturday, October 07, 2006


I realize that I have far too much time to think about mundane things. Mostly on the bicycle, I think about mundane things. So now I am thinking about this: Why are boy toys so ugly? I mean seriously, at a certain age, the toys available just really do begin to lean strongly towards the grotesque. Why is that?

And at about the same age, it seems to me, girl toys become just nauseatingly pretty. I mean, it becomes all about pretty there for a while. And why is that, too?

I am thinking about this because Douwe's birthday is coming up, as you know. And everybody wants to know what he wants. In general: anything to do with dragons, anything to do with dinosaurs. Space. He has recently discovered Narnia. Anything to do with fast cars of course. He likes board games and card games. Model building kits. He has asked for a camera but I can't find a digital one (so he can see the picture of course) for anything like a reasonable price.

Due to some external pressure I made him a wish list at Please understand, these are mere suggestions. Mostly you guys come up with really great stuff I never thought of.

I will see what I can do with dutch online stores but have had no luck so far in finding one that has a wish list feature.

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