Thursday, August 31, 2006

Spoke too soon

I take it all back, Beasties are not in school. They are home with some kind of Evil Crud. I thought the onset of upper respiratory disease exactly 7 to 10 days after the start of school ended after Kindy? Guess not.

They are not dreadfully ill, but they both keep popping fevers in the afternoon to evening which prevents their going to school the next day. If I could send them to school just for the morning they would both probably do fine. Of course they would infect their classmates, but hey. Somebody's already infecting their classmates it seems to me.

Both sets of teachers (the teachers called to see how they were doing) advised me not to send them back too soon as there are apparently two different illnesses going around their classes -- a respiratory and a stomach flu thingie. Daan's teacher said it seemed to her a bad idea to send him back with a minor cough just to have to keep him out next week with the stomach flu.

Yesterday they both sat on the sofa and moaned most of the day. Today they at least got up now and again, so they are a bit better.

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