Monday, September 05, 2005

Well, that was easy

I am, in fact, the laziest potty-trainer who ever bore children. I quite understand my deficiency in this area. And training Daan has loomed like a >something really terrible< for some time now. Because along with my general lack of ability or commitment in this regard, you must add the factor that the naked baby technique (the only one that really worked for me last go-round) was not an option. It is, after all, not my sofa he would be peeing on in the event of accident.

However, I decided last week to just grit my teeth and start. He is three and a half, it is well past time. As usual, I did nothing but talk about it a bit.

On Thursday, Daan tried using the toilet at school I hear. He didn't mention it at home.

On Friday, he declared that he would use the potty but wanted to keep the pullups on.

On Saturday, he asked for cloth pants.

It is now Monday. He has had exactly zero accidents.

My heavens, what an accomodating child I have got.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of our little boy! If he was here I would give him a big hug and tell him (again) what a fine,beautiful good boy he is. Please do that for me and let him know it is from GrandMary.