Thursday, January 12, 2006

Um, Excuse me?

I had my front teeth fixed yester day. This pleased me a great deal, I haven't smiled in a picture in about a year and a half because one of my teeth was broken off.

We had a number of translation difficulties, which happens every time I try something new. New undertakings, new vocabulary. This can be managed. It's when the cultural gap yawns that you find out what you didn't know.

He sat down and said, "You don't want mwah mwah wah, do you?*

So I asked him what that was. He scratched his head a bit and turned around and came out with a needle. Mwah mwah wah turns out to be Novocain.

So then I sat up straight, which alarmed the nice dentist very much. Dentists prefer their patients prone where they can strap them down when necessary, it seems to me. This was really a new revelation. People have fillings done in their front teeth without Novocain? A lot?

Listen, I am a battle hardened veteran of dental work, and I am an ideal patient. I have been known to go to sleep in the chair. I have a gold tooth which is a work of art+ because I am such a good little dental patient that I was once asked to be somebody's final exam.** I have a very high threshold of pain so they can make little mistakes all they like with no more than an inquiring look from me. Despite the horrowshow dentist of my youth who held my mouth open with a scissorlike thingie ++ which really hurt, I have no dental hangups of any kind. +*

But I do not consider Novocain to be optional. I have no plans to allow anybody to go into my mouth with a Black & Decker without some kind of painkiller. Why would anybody? I mean, other than a couple of creative kinks descibed in the DSM IV, I cannot imagine why anybody would court pain. Does it get you out of a couple days in Purgatory or what?

So I asked the nice dentist if a lot of people had fillings without Novocain. Oh, yes, he said, most people. So I shared with him that I was not like most people, indeed, I was very, very special, and thus required anaesthesia prior to dental work. He was very surprised. But agreeable.

Next week I get my molars filled (I wanted to start in the front because it has been driving me nuts for over a year) and I have already made clear that I fully expect Novocain for them, too. The dentist just shook his head. Agreeably.

Delicate hothouse flower, that's me. It's an American thing, no doubt. Oh, Beautiful, for Novocain, for pain free dental work.....

*mwah mwah wah is what words sound like when you don't know what they mean. Think back to the teacher's voice in Peanuts.

+ Every time I get a new dentist they admire my gold tooth. Sometimes it brings tears to their eyes, such a poem of dental work it is. But nobody can see it but a dentist so its value is somewhat limited. I wonder is, after I die, somebody will dig up my remains (of which it will be a part) and decide that it was in fact a religious artifact and conclude that I was thus a goddess. Probably, huh?

** when dentists get their board certifications, they need to find somebody to lie there and be worked on. It takes forever because at every step some Dental Examiner has to come over and Examine the work, make mysterious notations on a clipboard and then go to one of the other sweating candidates. I told my own candidate lawyer jokes to cheer him up.

++ and thus ruined my chances of ever enjoying "Edward Scissorhands"

+* Well, I did bite him pretty hard and was he mad. I did increase my vocabulary there, too, though not in the same way as yesterday. Dental work is so educational.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are getting this work done. Now I can see the beautiful smile you used to have. It really was a pretty smile and I hope you will have a picture taken soon with a big grin on your face.

After spending big bucks to send you to a pediatric denist, I should not be reading that you had
any unpleasant experience as a child. Having had bad times in my childhood, I told the denist before all of you went in that if he could do something because of whatever he was not to try if it meant you kids were going to feel the slightest tinge of pain. It makes me want to go pull his hair out when I read the above.

By the way what would your denist think if not only did you expect Novocain but also Nitrous Oxide to do any dental work. He would really think Americans are wimps but I will hardly let denists clean my teeth without laughing gas.


Jeannine said...

Hey, mom, it's okay we all know that you just like nitrous.

Do you not remember? My recollection is that you kicked his butt for that scissor thingie, I distinctly recall you telling him we wouldn't be back.

I felt sort of bad because of the whole bite thing myself, lol. It was nice of you to wait to tell me off for biting the dentist until we were out of his office, I must say. said...

Were we separated at birth?

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as too much local anaesthetic!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the nitrous oxide!! Did you know it is also used to increase the horsepower of hot rods? Interesting stuff and is available at your local hot rod shop!

It used to tick me off when they switched over to air because the "high" would go away.....


Anonymous said...

I was just browsing around blogger and came across this site and I just thought that i'd say thank you for the information and that's it THX.

..Pediatric Dentistry El Paso