Sunday, March 19, 2006

And by the way

My boys, who do not care at all about what they wear ever, have suddenly decided that they cannot leave the house without - are you ready?

Colored gel in their hair making it stick straight up.

Daan favors blue to match his eyes, in a stripe right down the middle of his head so it looks like a blue mohawk.

Douwe currently favors green, only in the very front so you can see his widow's peak. But he asked me to go buy orange today, because it will show up better and he looks good in orange. He does look good in orange, but I wasn't really thinking of his hair.

Oom Ernest took us to the woods near his house today and he, well. He said as much good as he could manage with a straight face about the fact that his nephews were proudly sporting blue-and-green mixed spikes on top of their heads.

I was very impressed, actually. Way to be supportive, Oom Ernest. Nicely done. You know, the rest of you, "really colorful" can also sound very much like a compliment if you inflect it right.

I wonder how their teachers keep a straight face: they inform me that their teachers really love the spikes.

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