Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Prodigal

Last week, I sent some email to some folks stateside and suggested that I had some free time should they have anything they would like for me to do. I should have known better.

Ernest, who goes where the wild goose goes, has at least for the moment had enough of migration and has come home from Brazil. Just before he left for Brazil, he sold his apartment. He did not buy another one, because he was after all going to Brazil. So the wild goose is apparently nesting for some period of time right here in Brabant. In this very house, in fact. In the room which used to be the room where the computer is.

Since the only time I have to work without sixty million interruptions from my offspring is in fact between 10 pm and 2 am, this was on that front a touch awkward. erahem.

We have no network at home despite having a gracious plenty of computers and the only DSL hookup is in that room. A network is of course the obvious solution; however, this would require some effort from Dearly Beloved who is at this moment after all working two jobs and is not especially in the mood for domestic requests. And anyway despite being a real wizard at it, he hates, hates, hates doing all things related to networks.

The obvious place for the computer was in fact on the other side of the wall with the DSL hookup. Unhappily, that space was occupied by Daan's bed. The obvious place to move Daan's bed was next to the cabinet with the kids' clothes; unhapily this space was occupied by a large empty fish tank big enough for Douwe and Daan to lie down in together (please do not ask me how I am certain of this). And though I have not studied physics in any depth, I am nevertheless familiar with the notion about two objects and the same space at the same time. I am also familiar with the Doctrine of the Small Female Person, to wit: when you need something large moved, mention it in a helpless way to the nearest large bearer of the Y chromosome, then go make tea or something.

Did I mention that Dearly Beloved is presently working two jobs, just finished completely redoing the cellar, and is Not In The Mood for.... surely I did.

Well, the problem was solved quite handily when I brought to Ernests' attention that I really needed to work but could not and added the bonus that if the computer were not in that room, I would not need to be tracking in and out of there several times a day.

So Ernest moved the DSL line and the computer and the fish tank (which is now on its side on the roof and has miraculously transformed into my new cold frame, hot damn can't wait for Fall lettuce) and Daan's bed. Which was very nice of him.

Now I have to go to the Ikea and buy chests of drawers for the kids and move all the book shelves and.... why? Because once you start making changes, it's like rabbits in a warm hutch, they just start multiplying. Hope I can get it all done before July. Oh, yeah, and my work, too.



Anonymous said...


I wondered about you and the blog. And now I know. They also have these wireless gadgets for networks as a card for laptops. I am told that a G band is better than a B band (whatever those are). About $50 or less is supposed to do the trick. But it seems your immediate problem is solved.

Two jobs for Paul? One, I assume is the business start up and has an unknown longevity. The other is....?

It has been very hot here the last couple of days. It is truely summer in the south. 90+F and high humidity.

After the latest whack to the EU "Constitution" (actually a treaty), the dollar got a little stronger against the euro.


Anonymous said...

My husband always says - "your the one that always says your not helpless, you do it". Well not always, but when he does not want to do whatever I am asking - and I do say that. NEVER say that. It has caused me many a bruise and hurt back.

Next you will want to paint, which of course then means you will need new curtains, then bedspreads, etc.

My advise to all people on the planet - do one thing at a time to completion before you start another. Of course everyone in my family knows why I say this, and to everyone else - it is just too embarrassing!
