She is still in hospital, healing albeit slowly. She is plagued with assorted complications, all of which are minor in themselves but their continuance means that she will not be sent home until they are cleared up. It appears her blood sugar is not yet stable; her body is still draining too much lymphatic fluid from the wound; she has a sort of continuing low grade fever and she is anemic.
We have been visiting in the evening this week, mainly because the kids were out of school the whole week and so the morning and afternoon has been taken up with, well, keeping them busy. It's been a fun week, we planted not one, not two, but three sets of flowers -- mine upstairs, (which is ongoing as you know), Nel's downstairs, and we biked over and did Spring cleanup at Opa's grave. Yesterday we went to that playground/restaurant where we had Douwe's birthday last year -- they had a moon walk shaped like a mushroom this time, so the boys spent the entire time slamming each other into the walls. Well, that's what they do at home too but at least this time the walls were padded. And they played at a friend's house on Tuesday for the afternoon -- he is in Douwe's class but is friendly enough with Daan that Daan went to his house by himself a little whicle ago because Douwe was not in the mood. He is almost exactly between them in age, and their sharing him has worked out nicely so far.
Douwe has become intensely interested in earning pocket money. I won't pay him for regular cleaning up, this seems to me to go nowhere good. So he came up with the idea of putting the bicycle cart behind his bike and hauling groceries and so on. I considered charging him rent for the cart, but decided that the lesson about the cost of doing business could wait for later. He has twice hauled my groceries home behind his bike this week. Oh, and Daan also. That is, Daan wanted to ride his bike but I was not prepared to supervise him and Douwe on the first day with the cart -- it makes cornering a little tricky. So I told him he had to sit behind me in the kid seat. He did not like this idea so Douwe proposed that Daan ride in the cart. I figured he would change his tune after a trip or so, but no. They think it's great fun so Douwe is also hauling Daan all over town behind his bike.
Daan also insists on working for money, because Douwe is, he hasn't really got a clue and is still in the "more coins = more money" phase. But he very seriously carried the basket through the grocery store and put things in it when I told him to. Okay, he also added one or two small things, *ahem*. He refused to play "catch me" with Douwe in the store this week because "Douwe, can't you see I am working?".
I was going to get them savings banks for their new wages, but they tell me everybody keeps their money in a wallet. So I guess I had better find some kids' wallets.
Today we went sailing for the first time this year, the weather was lovely. We left at the crack of noon -- kidding, we left before that -- to get back in time for visiting. The kids wanted to bring Oma a battered-and-fried fish called a lekkerbekkie, of which she is inordinately fond but were convinced that the doctors woudl nto like it. (She is now on a special diet which involves restricting fats almost entirely, so I think fried fish is right out).
Anyway, here they are today:
The hat, for the curious, is because he is a famous race car driver. Obviously.
Thanks for the Nell update. I was getting concerned. I don't really like what I hear,ie, only slowly recovering from the two surgeries. Although it can be just an age thing, I still don't like it. I also had a low grade fever so they kept me a couple extra days because they are nor supposed to release you with a fever (infection etc.) So when the seventh day came, they gave me a couple of aspirin and wahla-- no fever!! Funny how that works and do you suppose that had to do with a table maintained by the insurance company? Silly me, of course not. Is she on a bunch of meds?
The boys look great! And of course he is a famous race car driver....
Hi, dad,
I don't like it either. I don't think it's an age thing. I am really very worried about this diet they have her on -- or even worse, about the possibility that nobody is really keeping up with what is happening. I mean, she has three different docs and the docs, the nurses, and the hospital kitchen do not seem to be on the same page. They are still sending her food she isn't allowed to eat. I am not sure whether I am more afraid that she isn't eating it and is just sending it back, or that she is eating it, you know?
But whtever, she still has the feeding tube so I don't imagine it could be as simple as a nutritional deficiency.
They just put her on a blood thinner and I don't know what all else she is taking -- I know she is taking tylenol, and the oral medications she uses for diabetes. But the thing is, Nel is the opposite of me, she doesn't want to know. She has only a vague idea what drugs she is taking, she just takes what the nurse gives her.
I am famously cynical about these matters and as you know I have to know simply everything about everything before I will go along.
I too am worried about how slow Nel is getting better. Some of it might be due to her diabetes (I understand wounds and such are slower the heal with this illness) but it still is taking too long. And I can't even imagine blood thinners while healing and while anemic!! That is really scary.
How are Nel's spirits now? I know she must be getting sick of the hopital and all the poking and prodding but is she generally in a good mood or is she getting depressed. (Boy, by this time if it was me, I'd either be getting depressed or very angry....either way I wouldn't be much fun to be around. Just a warning to all in case, God forbid, anything like this happens to me.)
Be sure to tell Nel that all of us here in America are still praying for her and are thinking of her daily.
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