Monday, April 17, 2006

Second Easter Day

Today is second Easter Day. Didn't know there were two, did you? Silly you, you were thinking there was only, you know, the one. How many times can one person come out of a tomb, anyway?

In Holland I will have you know he can do it twice.
Did anybody tell the pope about this? Eh, his holiness is German after all, maybe they have easter for a week.

There may be a very good reason for a second easter day, but I dont know what it is and it always strikes me as odd when I look at my calendar and there it is -- second easter, holiday.

Nel had her own rising today, she got out of bed for the first time. She was not allowed to walk, just sit up in a chair, but that was something. She still has tubes going onto her nose, which are a contant source of annoyance, but some part of the zillion tubes and so on have been removed which is nice, it lets her move around more.

Because it's a holiday, she had many visitors today so we didn't stay all that long today. She is cheery, if still easily tired. She has already begun devising ways to get around the obviously far too restrictive rules of the hospital (which were not intended to apply to her anyway obviously) so evidently the surgeon did not remove the "Stubborn" bone from her body.

My kids are still eager to go see her, they holler hooray and run for the door when it is suggested. Though Daan most carefully asks to be sure she is in her own room and not in ICU any more. He found ICU a bit creepy and was a Very Very Subdued Daan when she was there.

Daan is convinced that the nose tubes hurt and doesn't believe anybody who says otherwise. Douwe still thinks they are sort of cool, or at least interesting.

We also went to the garden center today to get flowers to put in the garden downstairs, with any luck it'll be in bloom in two weeks when Oma comes home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The news sounds extremely good. How long is it estimated that Nell will stay in the hospital? My impression is that in socialist countries, the stay will be a tad humane. In the U.S., she likely would be sent home in a couple of days tops.

What flowers do you expect to be blooming soon? My daffodils have about run their course, the azaleas are in bloom now and the dogwoods are about complete.

Give my best to Nell. Send me email with her status so I can "forward" to Thaxine and her prayer group.
