Monday, March 07, 2005


I have announced to all and sundry at Douwe's school that Douwe is unlikley to return to his present school next year after the advice of the doc.

So of course everyone is coming up with all kinds of new ideas to work with him in the classroom.

Is it simple defensiveness, has it just been called to the forefront of everyone's attention, or is it simply that they want to get an aide of their own in the classroom?

That too, only the shadow knows. I am busy nodding and smiling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I will send a seperate email some time today, but in the last several blog messages you posted, I am continually impressed with your command of the english/american (we don't speak true english as you know) language.

And since I am having a "senior moment", I can't remember what that place above the back seat of a car is either! I even asked a coworker about my age, and she can't remember either! It'll come to me....

Hopefully, some progress will come from all the work related to schools and such. It does have the ring of potential positive movement.
