Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Did you ever have a day

When everyone you encounter thinks you are angry when in fact you are not; or you are, at best, mildly irritated?

Okay, not everyone. But enough people that I dare not write any further lest one of you decide that I am really very angry with you.

I am not. I am not dancing in the street scattering rose petals or anything, mind you. Perhaps it's just that I am so frequently the very embodiment of sweetness and light -- a veritable sunbeam blessing the ground everywhere I go -- that a normal state of mind makes people think I am really upset.

Sure, that must be it.


josetteplank.com said...

I knew you were angry with me.



Anonymous said...

I have days like that very often. I can be sitting calmly thinking of who knows what and someone comes up and asks 'why are you mad?' I've always thought I 've gotten a bad rap on this matter.

But I have never thought that it was because of my normally being sweetness and light itself. I like that idea though. Now for all that know me, when you ask if I'm mad, I am going to say "No, just my usual sweetness and light self here."


Jeannine said...


Do we get in trouble if we burst into hysterical laughter at that point? Or do we need to run round the corner first?

Just checking.

Anonymous said...


I am obviously typing this as you are reading it because you answered with 10 minutes of my writing the above.

Good to be visiting together.

Though my time it is 6:30 which means it is 12:30 your time. Have you ever heard of sleep..rest?


Jeannine said...

Yeah, seems I heard of it somewhere. Though my attitude about that is changing as I mature, too. It's really the only time I have without also having to reckon with kids, spouse, mother in law.