Monday, February 07, 2005

Now we're playing Crowd Requests

For god's sake, nobody tell my brother. I know, Johnny, I know. We Don't Play Crowd Requests Ever, they always want fricken Free Bird. But what can I tell you, she asked nice.

(Listen you lot of armchair psychologists, don't get any ideas about future quizzes, hear me?)

*Ahem*. This is called a meme, I am given to understand.

1. Song that sounds like happy feels

Brown Eyed Girl, Van Morrison
What a Wonderful World, Louis Armstrong
Living in America, James Brown

2. Earliest music memory

This Disney album we had, the song is about all the little birdies answering birdie roll call at school: "Penelope Pinfeather/" "Heeeeeeeere". I can't for the life of me remember the name. And my mother's (I think; I cannot imagine my father listening to a musical) Camelot album.

Also my mother singing "Good Morning Merry Sunshine" to her low blood sugar brood dragging our grumpy butts in in the morning. She doesn't actually look like a sadist, she looks like a regular person. Appearances are deceiving.

I remember trying to explain to Trudy, a friend of my mother's, that I was not sitting doing nothing, I was listening to music in my head. I think she thought I was crazy. I don't know why I remember that.

3. Last CD bought

Tom Waits, Real Gone

4. Reminds you of school

The Catholic Girls, "God Made You for Me"

5. Total music files on your PC


6. Song for listening to repeatedly when depressed

Rainy Night in Georgia, Brook Benton
On My Own from Les Mis
Kentucky Avenue, Tom Waits
Adagio, Albinoni

7. Song that sounds british but isn't

I'm not even sure what that means.

8. Song you love, band you hate

Can't say I love it. But the closest I can come is, I rather like Cadillac Ranch despite really disliking Bruce Springsteen.

9. Favorite song from the past that took ages to track down

I never have tried to track one down. Other that the Disney Album aforementioned, which I never have tracked down.

10. Bought the album for one good song

The first Santana album I ever bought, but I can only remember the cover, not which one it was. The lyric went "soft and gentle is my lover" and it was a female vocal. Beyond that I can't remember.

11. Worst song to get stuck in your head

Pretty much any Carnival song, expecially the one about pirates which goes "Ship (okay, it's really Schip) aHOY HOY HOY"

12. Best song to dump beer on someones head to, then storm out of the bar

I never storm out of bars; I generally prefer to kill people in their sleep.

But I expect "Hit the Road Jack" by Ray Charles would do in a pinch


Anonymous said...

You don't like Bruce ? Not even one, little thing ?


Anonymous said...

Totally off the subject to songs--though being a morning person, I can't imagine you did not find your morning wake-up song cheerful--did you get the red envelope I sent to Douwe? I keep forgetting to ask about it and if you haven't I can't understand why.

Anonymous said...

Uh... ?


Jeannine said...

Well, I don't dislike him enough to run away screaming. But I do dislike him enough to turn off the radio.

(the prior comment is from my mother and demonstrates that, in fact, she is not at all contrite for having regaled me with "Good Morining Merry Sunshine" at 6:30 am for much of my childhood.)

Oh, and to answer you both at the same time, yes mom, Douwe got the package. He hasn't really had a chance to get cracking yet, but you are in the right universe of where he is, good choice.